
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Clearly I've been busy. Not "running around, working, going out" busy. Instead I'm: "changing diapers, feeding kids, cleaning up toys, bath time, bed time, relax time" busy. 

It's been awhile since I really updated how our family is doing. Logan is walking and Sawyer is trying. Both boys are trying to talk and eat like champs. They still don't sleep through the night (the other night being the exception) and we are exhausted to say the least.  We are still plugging away with our cloth diapers everyday. It's been great for us.

Evelyn is quickly learning to write and recognize her letters, she loves to color and do artsy things. She's begun playing house, puppy, picnic and with her imaginary friend. She's smart, too smart sometimes and keeps us on our toes. 

We are all dying for it to get nice enough to get outside. It's warming up now but not enough for the kids to really play out there (plus it's wet and there's still snow). 

I'm trying to be more social and make an effort to stay in touch with friends, all while taking care of the family and having some "me time" (yeah right). 

Me time is summed up as any moment when my camera is in front of my face. No matter what I'm taking a photo of; kids are fighting, animals outside, Logan standing on Sawyer's head... For 15 seconds it's just me and my camera. I have been trying to get my hands on any person or thing that will allow me to take their photo, I want the experience. I need the experience. And it gives me something to focus on and enjoy. 15 seconds where nothing else matters. And that sums up me time. 

Overall we're doing well. Functioning as a family of 5 with 2 under 2 and 3 under 4... It tends to be a bit crazy.  

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