
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another due date come and gone.

Time is getting by me... So this post is a bit delayed.

January 4th marked the 2 year anniversary of the day Gabriel was due.  Just another reminder of his absence in our lives.  Each anniversary date is a harsh reality that we don't hold our son in our arms anymore, not our first son anyway.

I know these dates will always come and I'll never forget them as time goes on.  I know that each year I will remember him on the anniversary of his due date, even though he wasn't born on that day.  I hoped to carry him to 40 weeks despite his diagnosis, even though that didn't happen I am grateful for all the timeI did get to carry him

As time goes on I get more and more emails from p families that have found my blog.  I'm so glad they feel open to reaching out to me and seeking help in their journey.  There's nothing more important than reaching out and realizing you are not alone in the journey you travel. Having the love and support of others is one thing that keeps a person sane, no matter what stage of the journey you are experiencing.

Because I receive so many emails at this point, I've decided to open a Facebook group where the families that email me can gather and hopefully get support and love from others traveling similar loss journeys.  I realized in an email today that I am not always going to be the best person to help another, sometimes someone else in the circle I've surrounded myself with can relate better. I really try to keep in touch with the families that contact me as best I can, but as that list gets longer and longer it gets harder and harder.  So I'm seeking the help of all these families, that they may be able to support each other as much as I try to support them.  If you are interested in joining feel free to email me and let me know. It is geared towards late term losses, whether that be an adverse diagnosis such as Potter's Syndrome, or another cause like incompetent cervix.  I hope it'll become a place where we can gather and support each other during good times and bad.  A place where we can give virtual hugs and celebrate rainbow babies.  A place where a person can vent and release emotions when the rest of the world doesn't understand.

Gabriel is making waves in people's lives, I'm grateful that his memory lives on and I have been provided an opportunity to show love and support to others who need it.


  1. Hello again (I just left comment on older post). I'm very interested in the Facebook page but not sure where to find your email? Thanks for organizing, such a great idea :-)

    1. Hey Robin, I know things are changing on you a little bit. I'm finally getting around to adding people to the FB page and hopefully getting it started up. Let me know if you'd still like an add (unfortunately there isn't anyone on there that has done what you are trying to do but you may find other support there too). Thinking of you.
