
Thursday, October 10, 2013


I am a Pinterest fan. I have many boards and hundreds of pins. I have one board designated to pregnancy and infant loss (of course I do!). On that board are various quotes, links to beautiful jewelry designed to remember babies lost, links to various websites and organizations that helped me through, and of course there's one link that's close to my heart - it's a photo of my Gabriel Memorial Tattoo that is directly linked to my blog, more specifically the post I made immediately after getting that tattoo. 

I have the app loaded on my smartphone and get periodic notifications throughout the day. It seems like every day I get at least one notification that someone has repinned that specific pin.  

I have mixed feelings about this. My initial reaction is always flattery, someone likes the tattoo that I spent months designing while Gabriel was still tucked safely inside. The tattoo that my artist helped put together and make an actual piece of art to be put permantely on my body - forever. Someone out there has hopefully clicked beyond the "pin" button and read into my blog. Learning of the journey we took nearly 2 short years ago. 

My following thoughts are always the same: I hope the person who has pinned that link isn't experiencing that same heartache, the same feeling of pain and loss that we feel going along the journey. My heart aches for the pain that these "repinners" are feeling as they search for inspiration for their very own memorial tattoo. 

My final thought, that doesn't always come to mind: there's one more person who has read Gabriel's name, possibly out loud or maybe to themselves. That's another person who knows Gabriel existed and is helping keep his memory alive - even if they've never met him, or us. 

My hope is this: if they are searching, possibly feeling lost and alone, I hope they are reading past the link into the world I live in. I hope they find hope and comfort in reading the words I've put out there for the public in hopes that someone somewhere will get whatever it is they are looking for. Help, hope, faith, healing, or whatever it is that their heart desires. 

There is hope, comfort and healing in knowing you are not alone. 

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