
Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Last weekend, Derrick and I came home from a small family gathering and upon pulling in the driveway we heard loud banging noises. We could see the flashing in the sky and quickly figured out there were fireworks going off. They were abnormally close, like within a block or two, and there were no city festivals that we were aware of.  We had in our heads that it was probably a neighbor, but who shoots off fireworks on a 50 degree September evening IN THE RAIN?!

It was the boys' bedtimes and we were desperately trying to get them to sleep but with all the banging going on, we were fighting an uphill battle. The booms and bangs continued consistently for quite awhile. I'm sure it was only 15-20 minutes, but as we were fighting the boys to go to sleep it really felt like a few hours. I was frustrated and angry.

That's when I realized something. Guardian Angels Church was hosting their fall festival that weekend, it had to be fireworks they were shooting off. Gabriel is buried at Guardian Angels' cemetary. If I had known they were putting on a fireworks display I would have gone out there and watched the show with Gabriel, rain and all.

We've lived in our home for 8 years and never heard these fireworks before, but we'll be watching for them again. Next time, our family will join Gabriel for the show, we'll bring the popcorn.

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