
Sunday, March 25, 2012


On March 11th, we went and chose Gabriel's headstone. It was sad looking through all the stencils and designs geared specifically to babies and children.  Looking through the book was a little tough, trying to decide which one was perfect for our son was harder. At first we struggled to agree on what we wanted it to look like. But when we saw a specific one, we were sold.

A few days ago, I was sent the final outline for pre approval. Its perfect. I can't wait to see what it turns out like. 

 A few days after designing his stone, I was driving down the road, begging to myself for a sign from Gabriel. I hear people talk about seeing their babies in their dreams, seeing butterflys and other animals that are taken as a hello from their child.  I was searching the sky, looking in the clouds for some sort of sign of him.  I was stopped at a light, looked to my left and saw this:

Holds quite the resemblance to the dove on his stone design, doesn't it?

I took this as my symbol from him, my quiet and subtle hello.  Something or someone was telling me to search the sky for my sign, and I did.

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