
Friday, July 22, 2011

What we've been up to.

Not a whole lot has been going on in our world. Its been so hot and humid that its been very hard to do anything. We were able to get out to see the Rivertown Days and Fireworks. Evelyn was just as excited about these fireworks as she was the 4th of July ones!

Watching fireworks

Dancing to the music!

We spent a "water day" at my brother's house and let all the kids play in the water. It was a fun relaxing day for all of us.

Baby #2
We are now 16 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Our baby is about the size of an avocado!  Baby is practicing all those adorable facial expressions like grimacing and squinting. If baby is a girl,  her uterus, ovaries and egss are fully developed now. Baby weighs about 3 ounces and is 4-5 inches long.

Vacation is coming!
On Tuesday morning we fly out to Atlanta Georgia. We'll drive to Panama City Beach Fl for a few days, then drive to Fort Benning Georgia to watch my brother graduate from Basic Training. After his graduation we're unsure exactly where we're going to end up until the 3rd, we're sort of playing it by ear. We're looking forward to our family vacation down south. This will be Derrick's first airplane ride and Evelyn's too, and Evelyn's first time swimming in the ocean... We can't wait and are SO excited.  I'll be sure to do a good long post with lots of pictures as soon as we get back from our trip!

Talk to you all soon!

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