
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Newest baby & Our First Ultrasound

On May 5th, 2011 (the day before my 25th birthday) I got 2 positive pregnancy tests. (lord knows when you get that first one its not enough, you have to confirm with a second.)  I was quite upset/nervous/sad/angry/disappointed/excited/every other emotion you can imagine. 

I had no way of knowing how far along I was. I'd been on birth control for nearly a year, I had no reason to be tracking my menstrual cycles... so I made an appointment and went in, Derrick couldn't be there because he was working which was sort of a bummer... They set up an ultrasound for me right after so we could find out how far along we are.  That day we were 6 weeks 1 day.  I could see the heartbeat flicker at 102 per min. It was slow, but they said thats because it probably just started.  It looked like a little pea with a little stem on it!

Now we are 9 weeks one day along.  Thankfully I'm not showing yet. Although I feel a bit bloated.  This pregnancy is only slightly different from our first. I'm still very exhausted (especially with having to chase a 1 year old around all day!) and have 0 energy.  I haven't had any morning sickness, but have been having random cravings which I didn't have with Evelyn. The issue I'm having now is that after I eat, no matter how much or how little, I feel like I just ate Thanksgiving dinner!  Not that I am giong to or need to throw up, but that if I would I'd feel much better... I haven't yet. Tums have been my best friend.

So that sums up this pregnancy so far. I set my first official OB appointment for June 9th.  I'll be 10 weeks 1 day then and hopefully we'll hear the heartbeat :)

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